Minna, I'm just writing stories left and right anymore, ne? That's okay. The 'net needs more Escaflowne fics anyway. ^_^! This story brings together two of the most unlikely characters (well, at least from my point of view). It should be interesting though. Hope you all enjoy it! This takes place in the middle of "Operation Golden Rule of Love" but there's a little change, so bare with me, onegai shimasu. Dilandau isn't in the care of the sorcerers. Okay? Ja ne! HAI, THERE ARE SPOILERS HERE IN CASE YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. *********************************************************************** Escaflowne is not mine and never will be. It belongs to a lot of other companies who's names I can't remember right now. Including Emotion, Sunrise, TV Tokyo, and distributed by AnimeVillage.com etc. *********************************************************************** Author: Hitomi-sama E-mail: Hitomi_sama@hotmail.com RAIN WASHES EVERYTHING AWAY "Once feelings are suppressed the bend Breaks the gears of destiny..." Two-Mix, "Time Distortion" "Baka." Hitomi whispered to herself as she aimlessly walked down the muddy path leading out of Asturia. Her damp bangs hung in her eyes and rain began dripping into her dim emerald irises. She couldn't see exactly where she was going, nor did she care. It had begun to rain a while ago. To Hitomi, time seemed to fade into oblivion. How long had it been since Van had crushed her heart so easily? An hour? Two hours? It didn't matter. The point was that Van had doused whatever flame of affection had been burning within her heart. Nothing else mattered. Walking along, Hitomi continued to mutter to herself. "Baka." She said, strolling straight through a muddy puddle that soaked her white socks and stained them with mud. "Baka." The girl said once more, referring to the raven haired boy who's face was permanently etched into her mind. *This is the second time.* Hitomi thought sadly to herself. *First I thought Allen liked me and now . . .* Her muses trailed off as tears streamed down her cheeks and mixed with the misty rain that fell even harder from the skies of Gaea. *I was so stupid to think Van could have like me too . . .* The scenery continued to pass by the soaked girl who took no notice of it. Large trees swayed gently on either side of her, their leaves dancing as raindrops fell upon them. A few sleepy squirrels peeked their furry heads out of the comfort of their tree hollows to see how could be traveling the road in such horrible weather. "Baka." Hitomi said. *Him or me?* She asked herself mentally. *I think I'm more of a fool than he is. I was the one that thought he had feelings for me. I should be mad at myself more than anyone else.* The girl continued down the road for quite a while. Hitomi let the rain kiss her palm. It managed to produce a faint smile on her numb, frowning lips. *The angels are crying.* She thought to herself. *I always use to think the rain were the tears of the angels. I wonder what they're sad about.* The girl asked herself. *If they saw what happened . . . I bet that would give them cause enough to cry.* The girl wiped her tearstained cheeks with the damp sleeve of her uniform jacket. Hitomi looked around her and found herself far from the edges of Asturia. *Am I still in Palas?* She wondered. Looking behind her, she couldn't see the capital any longer. There were no buildings around her at all. Turning around several times made Hitomi dizzy and in the end she was unable to tell which way she had came from. In the distance, the girl saw a river flowing through a grove of trees. *That's the river that runs through Palas. I bet I can follow it back.* Hitomi walked through the wet grass over to the bank of the river. *Why am I heading back? There's nothing for me there. No one would care if I ever went back.* Hitomi remarked sadly. *I suppose having a direction to follow is better than being lost.* She followed the river's edge, not knowing that she was in reality heading away from Palas instead of towards it. Hitomi frowned and watched the raindrops make ripples upon the water's crystal surface. *I wonder if I'll ever go back home.* Her heart beat with homesickness as she thought of her mother, her classmates, Yukari, and Amano Sempai. *I miss them all so much.* Overcome with exhaustion and unable to see due to fresh tears welling up in her eyes, Hitomi sat down in the wet grass. She drew her knees to her chest and hugged them as she rocked back and forth. The girl cried as reoccurring thoughts of the day played themselves back in her mind. *I was such a fool. Of course Van doesn't like me.* Hitomi began to sob. "Van, how could you not like me?" She asked brokenly. "How could you?" Hitomi sobbed. *** "Shimatta!" Dilandau spat angrily. He was gulping in air as if he was drowning. The silvery haired Zaibach sucked it in between his clenched teeth. His icy garnet eyes regarded the wreckage of his Guymelef. "Damned machine." He hissed to himself. "Repair crews really screwed up this one." The Zaibach clutched his forehead with his icy hand and threw his head back in an effort to calm himself. "SHIMATTA!" In a fit of uncontrollable rage, Dilandau kicked the smoking metal of what had once been the Alseides. "Worthless piece of junk!" Never in his wildest dreams had he ever imagined his trusty Guymelef would disappoint him so greatly. Regarding his surroundings with displeasure, Dilandau began muttering to himself in an irritated tone of voice. "Where the hell am I now? This doesn't look like Palas." Dilandau hauled off and stuck the wreckage once more for good measure. "How am I going to get back to the Vione now?!? I'll have to walk all the way to Palas on foot!!!" Dilandau reached into the control chamber of his damaged unit and retrieved his sword. "Good for nothing 'melef. You aren't even worth saving. Stay here and rust!" He snapped. His boots stomped through the tall grass. The Zaibach wiped blood from the corner of his mouth and nursed his bruised arm as he walked. The crash had remarkably done him little harm, there were a few scratches on his skin, some muscles that promised to be bruised later on, and a split lip. The silvery haired Zaibach walked along the edge of the river. "Palas is that way." He said to himself under his breath. "I walk in there and I'm home free. No questions asked. Good thing Folken's got that dope of a king in his pocket." Dilandau chuckled at bit at the thought of Asturia's gullible ruler. His blood made a rather coppery taste in his mouth. It mixed with the rainwater that fell on him from above. "Damned rain." Dilandau remarked to himself, brushing some wetness disdainfully off of his leather jacket. *Rain washes everything away.* Dilandau heard a voice from the past that he couldn't recognize sound in his head. The Zaibach's eyes went wide in surprise. "What was that?" He asked himself aloud. "I'm losing my mind. Always hearing these voices." Dilandau commented. He paused and let a wave of nausea pass him. Then he continued on his way, remarking that the rain had just about stopped. Far in the distance, he could see a figure of a girl, huddled by the edge of the river. Dilandau paused until he recalled where he had seen such a strange outfit before. "Of course! That girl Schezar was trying to lie about . . . that girl that caused me and my Dragon Slayers so much trouble . . ." He thought about the comment the Knight of Caeli had made to him. "His new lover, ha! That scrawny little girl?" Dilandau licked his lips like he had spotted a delicious delicacy he couldn't resist tasting. His thumb played with the hilt of his sword, coaxing it out of the sheath. Dilandau pulled the blade out half way from it's resting place as he quietly inched through the grass toward where the girl sat, utterly oblivious to anything. *I shouldn't kill her now. She'd be so much more valuable to Dornkirk-sama alive.* He thought to himself. *I'll just use this to scare her a bit.* "You're mine." Dilandau whispered with a chuckle. He was about to unsheathe his sword the rest of the way when the girl suddenly turned around. The Zaibach froze as he looked up on her grief stricken face. Hitomi's eyes swam and overflowed with warm tears. She looked like she had spent her entire life crying. She let out a whimper and scrambled to her feet, trying desperately to run away from the Zaibach with the sword. Her movements were too fast and her ankle turned slower than the rest of her body did. Hitomi fell to ground with a dull thud and an exclamation of surprise. Dilandau heard the girl cry again, this time because of the pain in her ankle that she had just twisted right before his eyes. Hitomi's tearstained face and sad, frightened eyes were still in his mind. The Zaibach heard the girl's whimpers as well as those from a long forgotten memory. Unconsciously, Dilandau released his hold on the sword's hilt and the blade slid back into it's sheath. Thoughts flooded back to him . . . unclaimed memories from a past he was unfamiliar with . . . a child . . . huddled in a corner . . . crying . . . sobbing uncontrollably . . . with no one around for comfort . . . Dilandau's heart throbbed with pain just remembering it. *Were those my memories?* He wondered. He tried shaking the horrible feeling of loneliness that was taking hold of his heart. *The girl!* Dilandau walked over to where Hitomi lay and squatted beside her. He smiled down at her, flashing his white teeth dangerously at his frightened captive. "Gotcha." He laughed. "Onegai . . ." Hitomi pleaded in a trembling voice. "You've caused a lot of trouble for me and my men, you know that don't you?" Dilandau said. "I'm afraid meaningless pleas won't help you now. You're coming with me, back to the Zaibach." Fear filled Hitomi's heart. "Iie!" She sobbed in reply. "Enough!" Dilandau shouted in an irritated voice. He brought his open palm swiftly through the air and struck Hitomi's cheek with such force even he flinched momentarily. The Zaibach paused, almost stunned that he had stuck the girl so hard. After a moment of silent reflection, Dilandau shrugged it off. He grabbed the dirty white collar of Hitomi's school uniform and pulled her along. The girl stumbled through the grass, her sneakers kicking up dirt. Hitomi made a choking noise and struggled to free herself from the Zaibach's grasp. "Hurry up!!!" Dilandau barked as he wiped another trail of blood from it's origin in the corner of his mouth. He yanked Hitomi along so forcefully one of her shoes came flying off. "My ankle!" Hitomi painfully protested. She tried hopping along as Dilandau pulled her. "My ankle! Onegai shimasu!" The Zaibach continued on his way, dragging the flinching Hitomi along behind him for some time. After a while she began making choking noises as her lagging caused her uniform collar to prevent her from drawing a breath. Finally, the pain becoming too much for her, Hitomi sank to her knees. Irritated, Dilandau growled to himself. Before she could let out a cry of surprise, the Zaibach threw her to the ground. Hitomi didn't have enough time to break her fall. She landed on her side, her nose striking the ground with enough force to cause it to start bleeding. Dilandau plopped down in the grass with an exhausted yet irritated, angry sigh. Out of the corner of his eye he watched Hitomi slowly wipe the blood from her upper lip. She, with a tremendous amount of effort and pain, pulled herself up into a sitting position and nursed her swollen ankle. Hitomi touched a fresh wound on her knee and flinched in response. She searched her muddy outfit for a scrap of clean cloth to rip off and wrap around her bleeding knee. The girl looked up to see Dilandau, handing her the red cloth that had once been her uniform bow. It had fallen off when Dilandau had begun dragging Hitomi around as a hostage. She slowly took the ribbon for fear some unseen force would suddenly come down upon her. The girl continued to stare at Dilandau while she wrapped her knee, still unable to comprehend the gesture of goodwill from the Zaibach. "A . . . arigato . . ." Hitomi stammered weakly. Dilandau ignored what the girl instead. He turned his head away from her and began judging the time it would take to drag his hostage all the way to Palas. Hitomi looked up at the sky that had once shown signs of clearing but now seemed to be clouding up even more. A misty rain began to fall once again. *** Hitomi struggled to open her eyes. *I fell asleep.* Her grogginess left her expecting to awake in the comforts of her guest room in the castle of Palas. As drops of rain fell on her cheeks, she knew this wasn't the case. Forcing her lazy eyelids open she saw Dilandau, glaring at her with displeasure. At first it shocked Hitomi, but as the pain of her twisted ankle hit her, everything rushed back. She watched Dilandau fight off a bad case of the yawns. "You aren't going anywhere." Dilandau snapped suddenly, arrogant dismay pulling his lips into a frown. He grabbed Hitomi's wrists and began to bind the girl's arms with a long piece of his torn violet undershirt. "I can't run on this ankle." Hitomi protested. Dilandau wrapped the makeshift set of handcuffs around his belt that held his sword. The girl was suddenly face to face with the Zaibach. The silvery haired Dilandau paused a moment as he realized how close the emerald eyed girl was. All of the arrogance in his garnet eyes melted away. He tried to form words as Hitomi gazed at him with her innocent and pleading irises. Dilandau tore his eyes away from Hitomi's. "I'm not taking any chances." He mumbled as he coughed lightly and cleared his throat. The Zaibach laid down on the long grass of the field. "I'm not going to have you run away while I sleep." Dilandau said as he closed his eyes. Hitomi laid beside the Zaibach, restricted by the bonds. She attempted to sleep in any position that placed her as far away from the Zaibach as possible. The girl's muscles jumped and twitched in displeasure at the uncomfortable positions. In the end, Hitomi was left with no more options and rested her head on Dilandau's chest. The Zaibach's eyes snapped open in surprise. He looked down to see Hitomi close her eyes and sigh. Dilandau, too exhausted to protest and realizing she had little movement as it was, closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. *** "Help me! Help me!" Dilandau turned around and found himself in a dimly lit cell, watching a little girl cry. Her chubby hands gathered her tears as she buried her tearstained face in the straw on the floor. The Zaibach began feeling the familiar wave of nausea wash over him. "Don't leave me alone! Onegai!!! Okaasan!!! Oniisama!!! Help me!" The Zaibach felt himself gasping for breath as he watched the child sob and cry out for help that never came. Each horror-filled plea caused Dilandau's entire body to tremble. "That's you, isn't it?" Asked a new voice coming from behind him. Dilandau turned around to meet the questioning face of his captive, Hitomi. "That's you when you were young." He tried shaking off his obvious signs of fear. "Me? The best warrior the Zaibach have . . . a little girl? Ha! That's not me . . ." Dilandau answered rather unconvincingly. "Where are we? Why are YOU here?" "We're in the memory of your past." Hitomi replied. "Liar!" Dilandau shrieked, turning his attention back to the sobbing child. "You're lying!" He pointed to the hysterical girl. "That's NOT me! It's NOT!!!" The silvery haired Zaibach protested. Hitomi approached the Zaibach. "What happened?" She asked. Her emerald eyes were calm. Dilandau was almost comforted by them. "Tell me what they did to you." Dilandau gasped as the scenery immediately changed. They were in the middle of a grassy field in Asturia. Petals from various wild flowers blew in the wind like natural confetti. A little girl with long blond hair and a contagious smile, held out a bouquet of flowers. "Oniisama!" A boy with long blond hair smiled down at his sister. "Celena." He said with a smile, touching the tips of the flowers with his finger. Hitomi smiled faintly. *That's Allen.* She thought to herself as she recognized the boy. *That means Dilandau and Allen are related.* It still seemed a little perplexing to Hitomi as to exactly how the Zaibach managed to change Allen's little sister, Celena, into the ruthless male warrior, Dilandau. "It's going to rain soon, Celena. Rain washes everything away." Allen said to his little sister who regarded the clouds that gathered in the sky above them. Dilandau's garnet irises regarded the image of the past with a glimmer of warmth, unlike the icy coldness that had always been deep within his eyes. *That's where I've heard that before . . .* He thought. His voice trembled as he continued to stare at little Allen. "O . . . oniisama . . ." Dilandau breathed. He reached out with a shaky hand, straining to touch the young boy. "Oniisama . . ." Hitomi could see the sky above them darkening until it was black with storm clouds. Thunder crashed and lightning ripped through the sky as rain pelted the ground below. Dilandau watched as Allen began frantically calling out to his sister. "Celena!!! Celena!!!" He shouted in between gigantic booms of thunder. "Celena!!!" Dilandau's trembling hand shook even more. "I'm here . . . oniisama. I'm right here. Look behind you, oniisama . . . oniisama." Hitomi gasped as she saw there were tears in the Zaibach's eyes. "ONIISAMA!!!" "CELENA!!!" The young Allen yelled, sinking to his knees and disappearing in the rain. "ONIISAMA!!!" Dilandau shrieked, collapsing on the very spot his brother had stood seconds before. "ONIISAMA!!!" He beat the ground with clenched fists. "Why'd they have to take me away?!? I wanted to stay with oniisama!!!" The silvery haired Zaibach admitted in between incoherent sobs and moans of sadness. Hitomi bent down beside Dilandau and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Surprised, his teary garnet eyes regarded her with a curious wonder. "It's okay." She said. Hearing this, Dilandau began sobbing uncontrollably like a child. He felt Hitomi pat his head and take him in her arms. "It's okay. Shh, it's okay." *Hahaue used to do this for me when I would cry about missing chichiue . . . or when I fell and scraped my knee . . .* Dilandau thought. *I remember she'd always promise everything would be okay.* He closed his eyes and felt his tears melting away. *Hahaue was always right. And I'd always kiss her . . . and then everything would be just like she promised it would.* Dilandau's sobs had calmed. He remained silent and unmoving for a moment. Then, Hitomi's eyes went wide as she suddenly felt the Zaibach's lips gently brush against her cheek. The rain that fell on Asturia became harder until it suddenly stopped all together. "Jajuka!!!" The silvery haired Zaibach looked up, fear once again prominent in his garnet irises. He heard Celena's horror-filled pleas echo in his head. "Iie . . ." Dilandau stammered. Hitomi gasped as the Zaibach jumped out of her arms and immediately press against the wall, stopping his ears with his hands. "Iie!" "Jajuka! Jajuka!" Hitomi and Dilandau watched as two Zaibach soldiers forcefully dragged the hysterical Celena away from where they beat a protesting dog-man. "Leave her alone!" Jajuka argued. Dilandau squeezed his eyes shut. "Iie!!!" He shouted. Hitomi saw the Zaibach fall to his knees once again. "Jajuka!!!" A sob burst from his lips and tears streamed down his cheeks. The girl rushed to his side and watched as the Zaibach soldiers led Celena to a restraining table. Hitomi was filled with horror as she observed the sorcerers of Zaibach fate alter Celena into Dilandau. The little girl's screams turned into those of a boy. They echoed in Hitomi's ears and caused Dilandau to writhe as if he was in pain and sob even more hysterically than he already had been. "So that's what happened." Hitomi said to herself under her breath. "Oh, Dilandau . . . Celena . . . gomen nasai . . ." She apologized. The girl smoothed the Zaibach's silvery hair in an attempt to comfort him. Dilandau felt Hitomi's hand brush against his cheek and wipe some of his tears away. He looked up at her with uncertainty and confusion in his garnet irises. "Doshite?" Hitomi looked at him as if she didn't know what he meant. "Why are you doing this?" Dilandau asked. "I work for the Zaibach now . . . I caused destruction everywhere . . . I've taken you hostage . . . I've even thought about killing you . . . so why are you comforting me?" "Because after seeing what happened to you . . . seeing what the Zaibach did . . . I know you aren't really a bad person. I feel so bad for what the Zaibach did to you." Hitomi replied. "How could they do that to a little girl? Taking you away from your family . . . that's just wrong . . ." The Zaibach wiped more of his tears away with his hand. "What's done is done." Dilandau answered. "I can't help the way I am now. Zaibach made me a monster and that's just the way I am." "But you don't have to be!" Hitomi shouted back. "You aren't a bad person!" Dilandau spread his arms out and choked on his sobs as he laughed. "Look at me. Look me in the eyes. Remember that I'm the one who burnt down Fanelia . . . and the fort in Asturia . . . and Palas! I killed everyone that got in my way! Now look me in the eyes and tell me I'm not a bad person!" Hitomi approached Dilandau until she was toe to toe with the Zaibach. Her emerald eyes held an intensity Dilandau was surprised to see. "You are NOT a bad person." She paused and then continued. "You have the power to change who you are. Stand AGAINST the Zaibach. Show them you aren't the killing machine they programmed you to be. Show them that you aren't a weak puppet who'll let them determine your destiny for you. You have the power to be whatever you want to be." The Zaibach shook his head. He laughed lightly at the thought. A single tear trickled down Dilandau's cheek at the sweet thought of what Hitomi had said. The freedom of choice . . . taking back the life that was so wrongfully stolen from him . . . How would he ever be able to do such a thing? "Shinjiteru." Hitomi added. Dilandau's garnet eyes went wide at what the girl had said. She believed in him? He'd never given her cause to believe in him and yet here she was saying it with such honesty in her voice. It brought tears to his eyes. *She believes in me . . . she thinks I'm a good person . . .* He thought, tears spilling down his cheeks. The Zaibach cried, this time in happiness. He laid down and felt Hitomi lay her head on his chest. Dilandau smoothed the girl's short hair with his ungloved hand. "Arigato . . ." He said before closing his eyes. *** A bright burst of sunlight shot through the clouds and mercilessly blinded the sleeping Dilandau. He struggled to open his eyes and when he was greeted with the white hot light, shielded his garnet eyes with the back of his hand. Coming out of his groggy sleepiness, he saw Hitomi asleep with her head on his chest . . . and his hand smoothing her short hair. *It wasn't just a dream then.* Dilandau thought to himself. He saw Hitomi open her eyes. The Zaibach, with a bit of confusion, untied the girl's bonds from around his belt and watched as she sat upright and smiled down at him. "Shinjiteru." She said. Dilandau, for once in his life, smiled an honest smile. His garnet eyes danced with a twinkle Hitomi, nor anyone else had seen before. The Zaibach, with renewed determination, wanted to set off immediately for Palas. Only, his reasons had changed. He picked Hitomi up, much to her surprise, and began carrying her on his back. It reminded her of when Amano Sempai had carried Yukari after she had sprained her ankle. They were silent the entire way but both were in good spirits. When at last they entered Palas, a few people regarded them with raised eyebrows and confused looks. Dilandau headed straight for the harbor where he knew there was bound to be a coach waiting, headed for the Vione. Hitomi was set onto her own two feet and watched Dilandau smile at the coachman. The Zaibach then turned his attention to her. "I'll never forget what you've done for me." He said. "Your believing in me, it means the world to me." Dilandau said, a hint of tears in his eyes. "Dilandau-sama." The coachman shouted. "Folken-sama is waiting." "Hai!" Dilandau replied. "Arigato." He said to Hitomi. "I'll never forget this. Never." Dilandau closed his eyes, and brushed his lips against Hitomi's. The girl watched as the silvery haired Zaibach smiled one final time, ran into the coach, and rode off toward the Vione. She smiled herself and sighed a bit, touching the tips of her fingers to her lips as a slight blush crept into her cheeks. A misty rain began to fall on the city of Palas once again. Hitomi watched the coach until it was no longer in sight. "Shinjiteru, Dilandau." She whispered. *** "Where's Folken?" Dilandau shouted. "I don't wanna hear any excuses!" He yelled at two Zaibach soldiers. "Get me an audience with Dornkirk, now!!!" Four cloaked sorcerers regarded the ranting Dilandau from the shadows. "He's hysterical. He's lost his mind. His fate altering is becoming unstable." They commented amongst themselves. "We must remedy this." "Bakayaro!!! Dornkirk!!! Folken!!!" Dilandau shouted. The sorcerers quickly made their way over to where the hysterical Zaibach stood shouting and issuing angry orders. "Dilandau, come with us. We need to see you." They said in their most calm voices, attempting to win him over. "I'm NOT going ANYWHERE with you!!!" Dilandau shrieked. He resumed pounding on the door that led into the room where Dornkirk's projection screen was held. "Restrain him." The sorcerers instructed two nearby guards. "Nani?" Dilandau felt his arms be pinned behind his back. He tried fighting against the soldiers but to no avail. "LET ME GO! I won't let you experiment on me anymore! YOU'RE WRONG!!!" Dilandau was dragged into a dark room with a restraining table. Though he fought desperately, in the end he was tied down and at the mercy of the four sorcerers. They took out a large hypodermic needle and filled it with fluid. "Hold him." One sorcerer said to the rest. "IIE!!!" Dilandau shrieked inhumanly. "YOU'RE WRONG!!! I WON'T BE CONTROLLED BY YOU!!! I'M NOT A BAD PERSON!!! YOU'RE WRONG!!!" He screamed, attempting to wriggle free and fight them off. *Shinjiteru.* The Zaibach heard Hitomi's voice in his head. *I'll never forget what you've done for me.* He heard himself vow. *Gomen, I so wanted to take my destiny back . . . gomen . . . maybe I'll find a way to remember what you've done for me . . . or at least remember the way you smiled when you said you believed in me . . .* The four sorcerers congratulated themselves with faint smiles as they injected Dilandau and watched as his body stopped fighting against them. They nodded to each other in affirmation as they watched his garnet eyes become icy once more . . . and lost the warmth they had gained by the river bank on the outskirts of Palas, with a girl that had believed in him so much it brought him to tears. The End © 2000 Hitomi-sama