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Gosu Gewkie Function in the Envision group: Lending a helping hand to the Envision members whenever they may need it. Repeatedly insists he's not a member of Envision Cosplay. Skills: Computer whiz, able to do the cool Saitou voice, knowing Cantonese, able to think up lazy ways to do things like drink from Carl's Jr. cups. Weaknesses: Dogs. Likes: Anime, computers, Love Hina . . . |
Dislikes: Dogs, UCR, and hugs. Favorite Anime: FLCL. Least Favorite Anime: Gravitation . . . why didn't anyone tell me? Favorite Manga: Love hina/Dna^2. Least Favorite Manga: FLCL. Favorite Song: It's not really a song rather a piece, "Air." Favorite thing to scream: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Favorite weapon: A spork. Favorite phrase: "My ass it is." Favorite curse word: Fudge. Favorite drink: Anything that doesn't have wierd jello things in it. Damn you, Orbitz. Favorite number: The one after infinity. Favorite time of day: Any time that involves food. Favorite place: On the roof at night. Favorite mecha: Unit 01. Favorite element: Fire 'cause it cooks my food. Most of it anyways. Favorite color: Black, yea I know it's not a color. Favorite fruit: There's nothing you can't do with a pineapple. Favorite scent: I'm allergic to scents. Favorite animal: Definitely not dogs but cows are cool. Favorite anime villain: O_o. Favorite manga villain: ::shrugs::. Favorite bishoujo/bishonen: Does Naota count? Favorite anime/manga couple: Akito and Sana. Favorite movie (non-anime): Um, Braveheart? Favorite cereal: Lucky Charms all the way. Favorite flower: Allerigies. Favorite artist/band: Megumi Hayashibara. Other favorite artists/bands: Deltron. Favorite gum flavor: Fruit punch. Favorite tea: Green tea, the type they serve at Yoshinoya. Favorite season: Winter. Favorite ice cream flavor: It's all good except that weird green tea. Favorite book (non manga): Les Miserables or Brave New World. Favorite restaurant: Norm's . . . so much food! ^^v! Favorite fast food joint: I guess Carl's Jr. Favorite music to sleep or nap by (that is, if you even listen to music then): Doesn't matter. What do you think of cell phones?: Annoying. What do you think of boy bands?: We should strap them to chairs and let Shougo play with them with his maggot hand. What do you think of Japanese boy bands?: They're boys? What's the funniest Japanese commercial or advertisement you've seen?: Anything that deals with McDonalds. What do you fear?: Myself, dogs, and touchy feely people like Shorty. What bothers you?: Dogs and hugs. What's the best meat you've ever eaten?: It all tastes the same. What is your taunt of choice?: ::shakes fist::. What's one thing you wouldn't mind doing each day: Not sleeping. What's one thing you do each day: Not sleep. What languages do you know or are studying/have studied?: Fluently: nothing, Pieces here and there: just about everything. What kind of shoes do you like?: Shoes that fit and don't hurt my feet. What size shoe do you wear?: 9.5-11 depending on the brand. What's the funniest anime/manga picture you've seen? (not including fanart): The character intro for FLCL. What's the funniest piece of fanart you've seen?: I refuse to look at fanart. What one thing do you need each morning to wake up?: My eyes. What do you do when you're angry?: Go outside, sit, and think. What games do you like playing?: Anything entertaining. Do M&M's really melt in your mouth and not in your hand?: Never gave them a chance to do so. Do you listen to J-pop?: May as well. If so, what bands or artists?: Utada Hikaru. Do you want to go to the moon?: Yes so I can carve my name there so all the martians can see. Do you watch dorama's?: Nope. If so, what's your favorite?: Read above. Do you watch Iron Chef?: Why not, gives me something to do. Which Iron Chef is your favorite?: Dunno, I always watch the Japanese version. Do you know Japanese?: Nani? How about Hiragana?: Oro? Katakana?: Ara? How's your kanji?: I think he's in a coma. Do you watch sumo?: Yes because they're sexy. Do you get carsick if you read in a moving vehicle?: Very. Do you like rain?: So long as I'm in a nice warm place. Do you get lost a lot?: Unfortunately. Do you like Asuka from Eva?: Sure why not. If not, what would you have liked to have seen done to her?: Read above. Do you think Shishio really could've won against Kenshin?: Doubtful, Kenshin had to fight two times before the crusty scab. Do you draw fanart?: Stick figures count? Do you write fanfiction?: Me no Engrish. Can you do the Junk Boy dance from Maze?: I can only do jigs. Do you even know what the Junk Boy dance is?: I don't even know what a dance is.. Do you DDR?: I tried. Do you DDR well?: I sat down and used my butt. Do you like subtitles?: I don't dislike them. How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?: 672. How fast can you read subtitles?: I'm done before they finish talking. How many things can you do at one time?: Many things. How many can I do at the same time with efficiency? Not many. How many pillows do you have when you sleep?: One. How many wall scrolls do you have?: 3, I think. How many anime cards do you have?: More than I want. How many anime CD's do you have?: 4 or 5. How many manga do you have?: 10 or so. How many other things anime related do you have?: More than I wish to count. How DID Hitomi's pager manage to operate on Gaea?: Really good service unlike this verizon crap. How many Miaka's can you see before getting sick?: What's a Miaka? How many episodes of Fushigi Yuugi can you watch before throwing up?: I won't throw up. I've seen Gravitation. How many languages can you sing in?: I can't sing. If you had
(or have) a league of bishoujo/bishonen, who would you include?:
If your life had a theme song or BGM, what would it be?: Blink 182 - dammit. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you pick?: Somewhere where the night sky is clear and it's warm.. If you could have a different hair color, what color would you choose?: Blue. If you could seiyuu for any anime title, what role would you pick and why?: Someone with a super monotone voice. What other roles would you love to seiyuu for?: I can't do any others. If Kenshin and Van fought, who'd win?: Kenshin 'cause Van is a lil sissy. If Balgus and Hiko fought, who'd win?: Hiko 'cause Balgus is old and has too big of a sword. If you had to spell the main pilot from Gundam Wing's name, how would you spell it?: Hiro? If Envision had a mascot, what would it be?: A sloth or some type of retarded drooling slow creature. If you were in a J-pop band, what would the band's name be?: Apathy. If you had an animated conscience, you'd pick: Babbit, Good/Bad Excel, etc?: Babbit 'cause I can eat him if I get hungry. Name a habit you wish you could kick: Sleep. Name a few things you're proud of: Sucking a blizzard through a straw. Name some things you wish you could do: Punch people and get away with it. Name a song (if any) you listen to when angry: Air. Things you find yourself humming: Anime endings. You can't go anywhere without: My feet. Powers: The ability to suck things through straws. Anime seen (not complete list): Everything on my cds. Pepsi or Coke?: They taste the same I say. Have any favorite Japanese actors?: Nope. Things from anime that come in handy: Chopsticks. Things from anime you wished you had: The ability to hurt people and get away with it.. Last movie you saw in a movie theater (or mock theater i.e.: AX2000 style): Can't remember the title. Some stupid patriotic American movie. Ever broken anything valuable?: Hehe, the corolla. Are you dangerous in the kitchen?: Only if I'm cooking. Coolest anime/manga villain: Kaoru, if you can call him a villain. Common words or phrases: "Ahhh" and "Not really." Sport of choice: Monitor staring. Can you sleep sitting up?: Yes. I can even sleep upside down. Who's costume from anime/manga would you love to have?: Meh. Would you rather sleep on a futon or on a regular bed?: Beds 'cause they're softer. Powers you wish you had: Didn't we go over this already? Weird quirks: Sleep walking. Funny moments: Walking into a pole. Random words of advice: "If a cucumber has jello, multiply 2 by 10." You wish you had: A nice piece of cheesecake. Is anyone or anything "out to get you?": Everyone, particularly Shougo, Otaku In Training, Shorty and possibly Hitomi >_> <_<. Can you count?: With numbers? What do you think of math?: 1 + 1 = go away. The anime/manga character you're most like is: Shinji Ikari. The anime/manga character you most resemble is: The ape from Vandread. The anime character you sound like is: Saitou I guess. Clothes you often wear or enjoy wearing: My grey turtle neck sweater and a pair of black slacks. One thing you would change about yourself is: My one hair spike that always sticks up. One person I'd like to meet in person is: Someone with telepathy so I could steal their brain and take out the telepathy part and put it in my brain. One person I did meet is: Hitomi. Inside jokes: Not really. Things you say too frequently but can't help: Not really. Bad habits: Insomnia and drinking outta several straws. Are you a hard worker?: Only if I have others depending on me. The most annoying anime character is: Anything from Digi Charat. The anime character you think has no purpose at all is: Anything from Digi Charat or Tiny Snow Sugar Fairy. Weirdest anime you've seen: Damn FLCL. Funniest anime you've seen: Excel Saga. Sadest anime you've seen: X TV is pretty up there. Happiest anime you've seen: Digi Charat. Most pointless or boring anime you've seen: Digi Charat. Anime series you couldn't help but make fun of: Digi Charat. Something you do that bugs you: Insomnia. Favorite seiyuu: Megumi Hayashibara. Who is better? Tomoe or Kaoru?: Tomoe I say. Can you cook? If so, what foods?: Sorta. Whatever I have in the kitchen. Are you a gamer?: Sure. Go Scrabble. You're standing on the second floor balcony looking out at the beautiful scenery and you're thinking: Crap, I'm too high up. I'm going back inside. Which would you rather do: turn into the opposite sex at night or when splashed with water?: Water 'cause of the benefits . . . woohoo. Which of the following would you rather be: a samurai with god-like moves, a mecha pilot, or someone with angel wings? Someone who can cook great meals so people with those abilities will savor my cooking and as they do, I stab my spork in their armpit. |