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Function in the Envision group: Manager of Envision, resident pyro of the group, Escaflowne expert, and webmistress to the group's web site. Skills: Web page design (or else you wouldn't be seeing these pages) . . . being able to understand more Japanese than just "ja ne" and "arigato gozaimasu," and my ever present insanity. |
Weaknesses: Bishonen . . . ^_^*. That and the word "moero" or anything that has to do with it (fire, flames, etc). Likes: Anime, manga, J-pop, Escaflowne, Rurouni Kenshin, bishonen, subtitles . . . Dislikes: Dubs, bad dubs, dubs in general, the Escaflowne dub, the Rurouni Kenshin dub . . . pop-up banners, bugs, elevators, airplaines and helicopters. Favorite Anime: Tenkuu no Escaflowne (Vision of Escaflowne)! But Rurouni Kenshin is in a close close second. Least Favorite Anime: Pokemon, Giant Robo, Ayashi no Ceres . . . Favorite Manga: Rurouni Kenshin. Least Favorite Manga: Pokémon. Favorite Song: "To Zanarkand" from FFX. Why Escaflowne Cosplay?: I haven't seen a good Hitomi costume ever (minus the Japanese cosplayers at AX2k1 that went as the movie Hitomi). Favorite thing to scream: "MOERO!!!" ::gets psyched and grabs her Click 'n Torch lighter and begins running around flicking the trigger:: "MOERO!!!" Favorite weapon: My shinai (bamboo training sword). Either that or my Click 'n Torch lighter. If nothing's around, a broom will suffice. Favorite phrase: I like a lot. My favorites include: "Oro?" "I do believe you about Zanarkand, you know?" "Need to stab self in foot so great!" "Shanghai isn't nice this time of year, why don't you try hell?" "Bakarayo ga!" "Asobou ka?" and "MOERO!!!" Favorite curse word: "Chikushou!" Favorite drink: Boba Milk Tea! Favorite number: Uh, 7. That's supposed to be a lucky number, ne? Favorite time of day: Any time where I can do what I want and not have to worry about doing anything. Favorite place: Gaea. Particularly in Fanelia. Favorite mecha: Escaflowne! Favorite element: Need you ask? It's fire. MOERO! Favorite color: Red. A nice fiery red. Favorite fruit: Strawberries or pineapples. But I'm beginning to have a thing for pears now. Favorite scent: The smell of a extinguished candles. Favorite animal: Birds. Favorite anime villain: Dilandau Albatou from Tenkuu no Escaflowne. Hee hee hee . . . ^_^. He was insane, had a mecha, and loved to play with fire . . . hee hee hee . . . moero! ^_^! Favorite manga villain: Shishio Makoto. He looked so awesome in the mangas. Favorite bishoujo/bishonen: It's a tie between Van from Tenkuu no Escaflowne and Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. Himura was so awesome and had so many great values he was fighting for, but Van was more down to earth in his character. You could totally see someone being exactly like him. I can't decide though, they're both great. ::hugs them both:: Favorite anime/manga couple: Kenshin and Kaoru. They weren't overly romantic. Their relationship was slow and developed during the manga. It was cute to see how shy Kaoru would get and how stunned she was when Kenshin did something romantic. ^_^ Favorite movie (non-anime): Life is Beautiful. Favorite cereal: Lucky Charms . . . minus the marshmallows. Favorite flower: A rose. Favorite artist/band: Toss up between Two-Mix and Lifehouse. Other favorite artists/bands: DEEN, X Japan, Maaya Sakamoto, and L'arc~en~Ciel. Favorite gum flavor: Wintergreen. Favorite tea: Boba Milk Tea! Favorite season: Probably summer. During the winter I usually get really really cold all the time. I don't enjoy feeling like my toes are going to fall off due to frostbite every waking second. Favorite ice cream flavor: Green tea mochi ice cream or red bean mochi ice cream. Yummy! Favorite book (non manga): The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux. Favorite restaurant: Mitsuyoshi! Favorite fast food joint: Probably Carl's Jr. Favorite music to sleep or nap by (that is, if you even listen to music then): Rurouni Kenshin OVA OST. What do you think of cell phones?: I want one in case of emergencies. But when they go off in the middle of something, it's kinda annoying. What do you think of boy bands?: English ones? Gah! ::gags:: What do you think of Japanese boy bands?: It depends. If I like their songs, it's not bad. But if they're just the stereotypical boy band, forget it. What's the funniest Japanese commercial or advertisement you've seen?: The McDonald's commercial. That and the Doremon Achilles commercial. What do you fear?: Falling and getting messed up. And I hate bugs. What bothers you?: Rude people and people who get mad, offended, etc. for no reason or who are total jerks to me. Also, when unqualified people who try to tell me how to do my job . . . that bugs. What's the best meat you've ever eaten?: Kobe beef! That stuff's so juicy and just so wonderful . . . My mouth is watering just thinking about it. What is your taunt of choice?: Sticking out my tongue and pulling down the bottom of my lower eyelid. What's one thing you wouldn't mind doing each day: Sleeping in. What's one thing you do each day: Dream. What languages do you know or are studying/have studied?: English, Spanish, French, Korean and Japanese. What kind of shoes do you like?: Sandals. What size shoe do you wear?: Um . . . ::blushes:: I'd rather not say. Lets just say my feet aren't petite. What's the funniest anime/manga picture you've seen? (not including fanart): This Gundam Wing picture of Wufei in "disco mode." No joke. It's hilarious! What's the funniest piece of fanart you've seen?: It's mostly been Dragonball Z fanart. Nothing beats stick-figure Goku powering up. Or a stoned Freeza. What one thing do you need each morning to wake up?: J-pop. I have to hear some sort of Japanese music or I can't wake up. What do you do when you're angry?: Listen to X Japan and draw. What games do you like playing?: Zelda games, Crystalis (love that old school game), Final Fantasy X . . . Do M&M's really melt in your mouth and not in your hand?: Liars! They melt in your hand dammit and then you end up with a multicolored hand! Do you listen to J-pop?: Me? No, are you crazy? -_-. What kind of a question is that?!? This is ME we're talking about. That's practically ALL I listen to! If so, what bands or artists?: Must I name them all? ::sighs:: DEEN, Two-Mix, Maaya Sakamoto, Megumi Hayashibara, L'arc~en~Ciel, X Japan, GLAY, a little Globe, Luna Sea, Morning Musume, Da Pump, B'z . . . I could go on and on . . . Do you want to go to the moon?: Sure. I think it'd be lovely this time of year. ::Saitou walks in:: "I know Shanghai isn't nice this time of year. Why don't you try-" ::Hitomi-sama bashes him over the head:: As much as I love that comment, don't use it on me! Get outta here! Do you watch dorama's?: Yes, I do. If so, what's your favorite?: L'oiseau bleu (Blue Bird) or Majou no Jouken (Forbidden Love/Witches Condition). Do you watch Iron Chef?: You bet! Watashi no . . . ::does her Chairman Kaga impersonation:: That show's great. Which Iron Chef is your favorite?: I like Kaga, must I pick a chef? Well, I liked the old original Iron Chef Japanese, Rokusaburo Michiba. That guy was cool! Do you know Japanese?: ::looks the other way:: Iie . . . watashi wa nihongo wo shiranai. How about Hiragana?: Yep. Katakana?: Mostly. How's your kanji?: Ack, horrible . . . don't ask . . . I'm up to about 100 characters or so. Pathetic! Do you watch sumo?: Hai, hai, hai! Ooo! Yokozuna Akebono! Alright! Do you get carsick if you read in a moving vehicle?: Nope. Do you like rain?: It's okay so long as I'm not out in it. It's nice to hear and look at. Do you get lost alot?: No, I manage to find things well. Granted, my sense of direction isn't the best in the world but, I'm no Ryoga! Do you like Asuka from Eva?: No! No, no, no! If not, what would you have liked to have seen done to her?: She should have fallen off of the side of the aircraft carrier in her debut episode! Do you think Shishio really could've won against Kenshin?: I definitely think he could've won. Shishio still had a lot of power left and Kenshin was pretty much out of strength at the end . . . Shishio could've won . . . except for . . . well, I won't spoil it for you anymore . . . Do you draw fanart?: Sure do. Do you write fanfiction?: Of course I do! ^_^. Go read some if you like that sort of thing! Hitomi-sama: Hime of Insanity. Can you do the Junk Boy dance from Maze?: Yes, but, why would you want to? Do you even know what the Junk Boy dance is?: No . . . it's not like I've watched Maze and have the entire series on tape or anything . . . no, not me . . . Do you DDR?: Yes. It's so fun! Do you DDR well?: I'm decent at DDR . . . Do you like subtitles?: Of course! That's the stupidest question I've ever been asked! -_-! Subtitles are the best! How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?: I lost count after 30 . . . How fast can you read subtitles?: I'm pretty fast. I usually get done way before they disappear. I always have to wait for the characters. But that's okay because then I can really listen to what they're saying and practice my Japanese. The subtitles for FLCL move too fast though! How many things can you do at one time?: I've never really counted. Hmm . . . 5? 6? All I know is that I do multiple things all the time. It's really commonplace for me. How many pillows do you have when you sleep?: Four. How many wall scrolls do you have?: Seven, but I have only enough space to hang two. -_-*! How many anime cards do you have?: Last time I counted I had around 800 odd cards. That's including poker decks. How many anime CD's do you have?: I've lost track. More than fifteen. How many manga do you have?: Geez, too many to count. More than forty or fifty now . . . How many other things anime related do you have?: If I named them all we'd be here all day. There's too much. I have a lot of stuff from different series. Some commonplace things and some things that are cool and can't be found here. How DID Hitomi's pager manage to operate on Gaea?: I wish I knew. Good heavens, the coverage on that thing! It's better than Burucha! How many Miaka's can you see before getting sick?: One. There were SO MANY walking around at AX! How many episodes of Fushigi Yuugi can you watch before throwing up?: I watched them all but . . . now it takes maybe two or three. How many languages can you sing in?: Lets see . . . English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Italian, French, Swahili, Spanish, Latin . . . how many does that make? 9? Yeah, 9. ^_^. If you had (or have) a league of bishoujo/bishonen, who would you include?: ::looks behind her:: Bishonen ranks roll call! Kenshin (Ruroken), Gatti (Esca.), Shesta (Esca.), Dallet (Esca.), Miguel (Esca.), Viole (Esca.), Guimel (Esca.), the rest of the Dragonslayers (Esca.), Van (Esca.), Maze (Maze), Kamui (X), Chichiri (FY), Tamahome (FY), Tasuki (FY) (during my ever so brief FY days . . . don't ask . . .), Tokiya (Flame of Recca), Prince Diamond (Sailor Moon) (during my Sailor Moon days . . .), Link (Legend of Zelda-game), Orphen (Orphen), Tidus (FFX) and Takky (dorama actor). If your life had a theme song or BGM, what would it be?: "Yakusoku wa Iranai" from Tenkuu no Escaflowne. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you pick?: Japan. Or Fanelia. ::waits for a plane ticket or a beam of blue light to appear out of no where and take her away:: If you could have a different hair color, what color would you choose?: I like the color I have. But I woudn't mind having some nice highlights . . . If you could seiyuu for any anime title, what roll would you pick and why?: Hitomi Kanzaki from Tenkuu no Escaflowne because we're so much alike that it's scary! What other rolls would you love to seiyuu for?: Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin (I think it'd be fun to play a male), Dilandau from Tenkuu no Escaflowne (he's just such a fun character), and either Mamimi or Haruko from FLCL. If Kenshin and Van fought, who'd win?: Are you kidding? Kenshin of course! I mean, Van lost to Allen AND Balgus . . . Van wouldn't stand a chance against Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu . . . If Balgus and Hiko fought, who'd win?: Ooo, good question . . . you've got an old guy who could fight off a Guymelef verses a guy who can beat a giant . . . whatever the heck Fuji was . . . I'd put my money on Hiko though, just because I saw his techniques and well . . . Balgus spent just about all of Escaflowne dead. If you had to spell the main pilot from Gundam Wing's name, how would you spell it?: H-I-R-O. Not H-E-E-R-O. Stupid dubs . . . If Envision had a mascot, what would it be?: Something that lagged horribly . . . something like maybe a sloth or a banana slug . . . yeah . . . If you were in a J-pop band, what would the band's name be?: Tenkuu. I just think that's a cool name. Plus it goes well with the fact that I'm Hitomi and I have visions. ^_^! If you had an animated conscience, you'd pick: Babbit, Good/Bad Excel, etc?: Tama-chan from Love Hina! It's so kawaii going "myu!" all the time! Name a habit you wish you could kick: Cracking my knuckles. That and saying "I'm sorry" so much. Name a few things you're proud of: My fanfiction winning awards, my ability to hand-code web pages, and being recognized by Lianne Sentar as an outstanding amateur author and having my work posted on her site. Name some things you wish you could do: Fly and stop time. Name a song (if any) you listen to when angry: "Kurenai" by X Japan. Things you find yourself humming: "Suteki da ne" from FFX . . . lots of anime or J-pop songs . . . You can't go anywhere without: Something that has to do with anime be it a CD or anime keychains . . . Powers: Able to have visions (Hitomi style), use dowsing to locate things, do multiple things at the same time, remember useless facts from anime, wielder of the mighty Click 'n Torch and the only one able to fully use it's awesome powers . . . Anime seen (not complete list): Tenkuu no Escaflowne TV/Movie, Rurouni Kenshin/OVA/OVA2, Neon Genesis Evangelion TV/Last Movie, Maze Mega Burst Space TV/OVA, Rekka no Honou, Shamanic Princess, Excel Saga, Himiko-Den, Kodomo no Omocha, Clamp School, X Movie/TV, Magic Knight Rayearth, Fushigi Yuugi, Aa! Megami-sama OVA/Mini TV, Kiki's Delivery Service, Ninja Scroll, Trigun, Serial Experiments Lain, Love Hina, Vampire Princess Miyu, Ayashi no Ceres, Sorcerer Stabber Orphen, Gate Keepers, Mahoujin Guru Guru, Da! Da! Da!, FLCL, I Me My Strawberry Eggs, etc. etc. etc. Pepsi or Coke?: Dr. Pepper! Just kidding . . . Pepsi. Have any favorite Japanese actors?: Toshiaki Karasawa, the guy that played Kintaro in "Salaryman Kintaro," and Takky who played Hikaru in "Forbidden Love." Subtitles or dub?: Stupid question! SUBTITLES of course! Just about every dub I've ever seen has been horrible! Ack! Just horrible! Bleh! Bleh! Bleh! The only dub that was actually tolerable and fitting was Eva. Things from anime that come in handy: Rubber mallets, the insults "ahou" and "bakayaro," witty comments, Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu, anime background music, samurai, mecha . . . Things from anime you wished you had: Draconian wings, a burucha, a nori nori machine, awesome sword skills, the ability to jump ultra high and then land on my feet as if it were nothing . . . Last movie you saw in a movie theater (or mock theather i.e.: Anime Expo style): "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." Ever broken anything valuable?: No, but I did break a coffee pot one time . . . and I managed to set the toasters on fire . . . damned faulty wiring . . . Are you dangerous in the kitchen?: No, except I have a small tendency to break toasters. I broke the first one we had and set the second one on fire. And sometimes I don't pay attention to what I stick in the microwave. Who knew that a twist tie would burst into flames like that . . . ^.^;. Common words or phrases: "Bakayaro," "kusou," "chikushou," "that's great," "I bet," "definitely," and "gomen nasai" or "I'm sorry." Sport of choice: Kendo! ::swings her shinai around:: Either that or Tae Kwon Do. Can you sleep sitting up?: Yes, I can. It's actually pretty comfortable. Who's costume from anime/manga would you love to have?: Sora's outfit from Escaflowne: A Girl in Gaia or Princess Zelda's from Ocarina of Time (game). Would you rather sleep on a futon or on a regular bed?: A regular bed. The floor is too hard and too cold, even with the futon. Powers you wish you had: The ability to stop time . . . disappear at will . . . make other things disappear at will . . . Weird quirks: I always apologize, whether it's my fault or not. I can't wake up unless I listen to J-pop. I complain when it's cold (or rather, when I'm cold). I have to watch an anime series all the way through or it bugs me. I don't like breakfast much. Funny moments: When Envision went out to eat at a Chinese restaurant, the lady behind the counter thought Otaku in Training and I were brother and sister. ^.^ And the time when that unfinished Hansen's smoothy bottle exploded in my kitchen, almost hitting me with the cap that was propelled from it's top. Random words of advice: "Don't cosplay with the garage door open when it's cold and windy." "Always bring a jacket." "Hug your mecha." "Hug your bishonen/bishoujo and show them you care." ^.^. "When in trouble, knowing martial arts, having bishonen samurai around, or knowing witty comments will help." "Cospray isn't just a thing, it's a religion, dammit!" You wish you had: Wings, mountains of anime, enough money so I wouldn't have to worry about when the next payday is . . . Is anyone or anything "out to get you?": The bugs have a plot to get me. I swear. June bugs follow me everywhere. They chased me everywhere a while ago. One even came inside my house and chased me around the kitchen. It's a conspiracy I tell you! Can you count?: I'd rather not answer that . . . ::blushes:: I can . . . not well . . . Hey, it's HUMAN to make mistakes once in a while . . . so I'm not mathematically inclined, big deal! What do you think of math?: I hate it! It can drop off the face of the earth for all I care! When will you practically need to know what the square root of three is? You won't! The anime/manga character you're most like is: I'm like a cross between Hitomi Kanzaki from Tenkuu no Escaflowne, Kamiya Kaoru from Ruroken, and Yuna from FFX. The anime/manga character you most resemble is: Kaoru from Kenshin (minus her ponytail) or Yuna from FFX. The anime character you sound like is: I sound kina like Yuna from FFX. But I can laugh like Dilandau. Clothes you often wear or enjoy wearing: Tank tops, sweatshirts with hoods, sandals . . . and my "I'm a Japanese pop star" shiny Morning-Musume-like silver jacket. One thing you would change about yourself is: The fact that I apologize too much. One person I'd like to meet in person is: Seki Tomozaku, Minami Takayama, or Shouji Kawamori. One person I did meet is: Yutaka Minowa. I took a picture with him (against the wishes of the AX2000 staff) and later got a sketch from him (arigato again Shorty!) Inside jokes: "Oh! Mistah Gee Kay," "Kimahri say, need to stab self in foot so great!" "NOOOOO! SANDORA," and "Rike a man! He rook rike a man!" Things you say too frequently but can't help: "I'm sorry!" "Gomen nasai!" "Suman" (other things that are apologetic). Bad habits: Cracking my knuckles and saying "I'm sorry." Are you a hard worker?: Well, I guess so. If you asked everyone else they'd reply with a resounding "YES!" I overwork myself for no reason. The most annoying anime character is: Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi. Or Mil-chan from Maze. The anime character you think has no purpose at all is: Mil-chan from Maze. So she could call on Dulegar . . . big deal. Weirdest anime you've seen: FLCL. I still have no clue what's going on . . . Funniest anime you've seen: Excel Saga. Man, that's hilarious! HA HA HA! Sadest anime you've seen: X: the Movie. Aw, it was so sad! I felt so bad for Kamui! ::hugs Kamui so hard he turns blue:: Happiest anime you've seen: Kodomo no Omocha. You just can't be depressed when you watch that series. Most pointless or boring anime you've seen: Maze Mega Burst Space. It had virtually no plot. -_-! Anime series you couldn't help but make fun of: Giant Robo! It was so old school. Something you do that bugs you: I apologize too much. Favorite seiyuu: Minami Takayama and Seki Tomozaku. Who is better? Tomoe or Kaoru?: Tomoe was cool but I liked Kaoru better. She's got more of a personality. Tomoe's more of a tragic character that wasn't around in the storyline very long. I like them both but I like Kaoru better. Can you cook? If so, what foods?: Yeah. I can cook curry, rice, chili, baked beans, eggs, cookies, fried chicken, fried ramen (arigato yo Shorty!), cakes, deserts, and sushi. But not pop-tarts. I end up burning them or the toaster when I try making those. Oh, and I can do things like make toast. Are you a gamer?: Sorta. I don't play enough to be one. But when I get into a game usually I am. You're standing on the second floor balcony looking out at the beautiful scenery and you're thinking: "Oh my goodness! Step back or you're going to fall! See the ground way down there? Do you want to slam into that at full force? No! Step back moron! Step back now!" Which would you rather do: turn into the opposite sex at night or when splashed with water?: Probably at night instead of the Ranma thing. You can hide at night but you really aren't sure when you're going to come into contact with water. Which of the following would you
rather be: a samurai with god-like moves, a mecha pilot, or someone with
angel wings?: How about all of the above? ^.^!
Flame courtesy of